100 Sushi Toppings You Should Try in Japan
Of course, being the birthplace of sushi, Japan has lots of different sushi toppings. This not only includes all kinds of seafood such as tuna, white fish, and shellfish, but also non-fish sushi toppings such as egg, vegetables, and more. While many of these sushi toppings are available throughout the year, there are seasonal ones that taste better at a certain time. Whether you're feeling brave or a little dubious, there is a sushi topping for everyone on this list! The fish are classified into several types, so click on a category that you want to try!
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Click on one of the types below to jump ahead to that section.
- Red Fish
- White Fish
- Fish with Iridescent Skin
- Shrimp and Crab
- Squid and Octopus
- Shellfish
- Fish Roe
- Other Toppings
- Sushi Rolls
Red Fish
1. Otoro (Hon-Maguro) (大トロ (本まぐろ))
Fatty Tuna of Bluefin Tuna
The most expensive and fattiest cut of tuna, otoro, similarly to other cuts of bluefin tuna, is at its best from October to February. It has a rich flavor thanks to the fat.
2. Chutoro (Hon-maguro) (中トロ(本まぐろ))
Medium Fatty Tuna of Bluefin Tuna
Chutoro has less fat than otoro, and half of each slice is made up of red meat. Enjoy the authentic flavor of tuna, with a combination of the umami (Japanese savory taste) of the red meat and the sweetness of the fat.
3. Akami (Hon-maguro) (赤身 (本まぐろ))
Red Meat of Bluefin Tuna
Not as rich as otoro or chutoro, akami has a slight sourness amidst the umami. Akami of high-grade wild tuna (if you get a chance to try it) is truly superb! This is probably one of the easiest things to try if you are new to sushi.
4. Otoro (Minami Maguro) (大トロ (みなみまぐろ))
Fatty Tuna of Southern Bluefin Tuna
Unlike the bluefin tuna, the southern bluefin tuna is in season from April to August. The otoro has sweet fat that melts in your mouth.
5. Chutoro (Minami Maguro) (中トロ (みなみまぐろ))
Medium Fatty Tuna of Southern Bluefin Tuna
Since southern bluefin tuna tend to be fattier than other species of tuna, even the chutoro has a rich, fatty taste.
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6. Akami (Minami Maguro) (赤身 (みなみまぐろ))
Red Meat of Southern Bluefin Tuna
With a tender and springy texture, the akami of southern blufin tuna has a deep yet smooth flavor. The fishing of southern bluefin tuna has been heavily regulated in recent years, so most of what you see in Japan is farmed fish imported from Australia. This is another good choice with which to begin your sushi journey!
7. Akami (Mebachi Maguro) (赤身 (めばちまぐろ))
Red Meat of Bigeye Tuna
Fresh cuts of bigeye tuna can be very expensive, while frozen cuts can be sampled at a reasonable price. The akami of bigeye tuna has a mild sourness, rich sweetness from the fat, and a deep umami. Best eaten from October to February.
8. Negitoro (ねぎとろ)
Green Onions and Fatty Tuna
Negitoro consists of meat from around the backbone of tuna that is scraped off and chopped finely, placed on top of rice and topped with green onion. The whole thing is wrapped in nori (seaweed). Available throughout the year, you can get it quite reasonably at any conveyor belt sushi restaurants. Because the fish is mushy, it is easy to eat, even if you're not too keen on sushi.
9. Bincho Maguro (びんちょうまぐろ)
Albacore Tuna
A type of small tuna that has long been used for making canned tuna, albacore tuna has a fatty texture and a distinctive umami. It has become a popular sushi topping in recent years, and can be found in most sushi-go-round restaurants. Available throughout the year.
10. Katsuo (かつお)
Skipjack Tuna
Best eaten in the spring, skipjack tuna is available most of the year, from March to December. It has a mellow sweetness and a light aroma. It is often eaten with green onion and ginger, which enhances the flavor manyfold!
11. Mekajiki (めかじき)
Swordfish is a large fatty fish. It is available throughout the year, but domestic swordfish is in season from summer to fall. It has a rich fatty flavor and a texture that simply melts in your mouth.
White Fish
12. Madai (まだい)
Red Seabream
Red seabream has little fat, with a mild flavor and aroma. Wild seabream can be extremely expensive, but farmed ones can be sampled at a reasonable price. Best eaten from November to May.
13. Kasugo (かすご)
Young Seabream
The skin of kasugo is usually left on, and incisions are made as in the above photo. It is marinated in vinegar before making it into a sushi. Kasugo is a rare sushi topping, and is available from March to May.
14. Kurodai (くろだい)
Black Seabream
Black seabream has tender meat and little fat. It has a refreshing flavor and an aroma of the sea. Not as common as red seabream, it is in season from September to November.
15. Hirame (ひらめ)
Olive Flounder
A high-grade white fish that is best eaten from September to February, when it becomes fatty and takes on a slight amber hue. It has a refreshing flavor.
16. Engawa (えんがわ)
Olive Flounder Fin
This is an extremely rare cut of fish. It has a crunchy yet fatty texture, with a sweetness from the fat. Because of its rarity, it comes with a high price tag, but you can find engawa at sushi-go-round establishments, where they use fins of other species of fish.
17. Makogarei (まこがれい)
Marbled Flounder
Probably the most common type of flounder in Japan, marbled flounder is one of the sushi toppings that is representative of summer. It has transparent white flesh and a pleasantly firm texture with a delicate sweetness.
18. Kinmedai (きんめだい)
Splendid Alfonsino
Splendid alfonsino is a deep-sea fish. Despite its fatty flesh, splendid alfonsino has a surprisingly light flavor and a tender texture that melts away in your mouth. The best time to eat it is December to February.
19. Suzuki (すずき)
Japanese Seabass
A summer fish that has been eaten in Japan from long ago. Although there is a springiness to the meat of the Japanese seabass, it is actually quite tender, with a mild sweetness to it. There is also no smell to it, making it easy to eat.
20. Buri (ぶり)
Japanese Amberjack
Widely available in the winter months, Japanese amberjack is considered a type of white fish, despite is reddish appearance. It becomes more white in the winter as its flesh becomes fattier. It has a rich flavor from the fat.
21. Hamachi (はまち)
Young Japanese Amberjack
Hamachi refers to Japanese amberjack before they become fully grown. Farmed hamachi is widely available throughout the year, and has a fatty texture. Some people even say it's better than tuna!
22. Kanpachi (かんぱち)
Greater Amberjack
A relative of Japanese amberjack, greater amberjack is known as a summer fish, best eaten from June to August. The fatty flavor is not overpowering, and it has a rich umami. Its sweet aftertaste is addictive.
23. Nodoguro (のどぐろ)
Blackthroat Seaperch
Blackthroat seaperch has become to be known as a high-grade fish in recent years. It is sometimes seared before being made into sushi, which melts the fat, giving it a luxurious texture. Tastes best from December to February.
24. Ishidai (いしだい)
Barred Knifejaw
Considered a high-grade sushi topping, wild barred knifejaw can be quite pricey. It has little odor and a strong sweetness, and it is in season from June to August.
25. Koshodai (こしょうだい)
With a mild yet distinctive fragrance and a pleasant springiness, grunt is sometimes served seared to enhance its umami. Although it was quite a rare sushi topping in the past, it has become more common in recent years, and is in season from July to November.
26. Kawahagi (かわはぎ)
Threadsail Filefish
Threadsail filefish is available throughout Japan and is one of very few fish used for sushi that can be fished in Tokyo Bay. With a moderate amount of fat, it has a firm and slightly chewy texture with umami that gradually deepens as you chew. Best eaten from June to December.
27. Umazurahagi (うまづらはぎ)
Black Scraper
With a similar texture to the threadsail filefish above, the black scraper has a light flavor. It is also valued for its liver, which is what is placed on top of the sushi in the above photograph. Tastes best in the colder months, from October to February.
28. Mejina (めじな)
Largescale Blackfish
A winter fish with a delicate pink hued flesh, its skin is sometimes seared to enhance the flavors. It takes on a lot of fat in the winter, giving it a rich sweetness and a pleasantly firm texture.
29. Kamasu (かます)
Barracuda favors warmer waters of the south, and has distinctive sharp teeth. It has a light flavor but plenty of umami. It is in-season in the autumn, from October to December.
30. Kasago (かさご)
Marbled Rockfish
A small fish that was once a widely available, it is now a rare item. It's best eaten with only a small amount of soy sauce so that you can fully enjoy its delicate flavors. Keep an eye out for it from December to March.
31. Ainame (あいなめ)
Fat Greenling
An extremely fatty fish that is found in the oceans all over Japan. It has a rich flavor and a delicate aftertaste. It depends on the area, but it is usually best eaten in the spring.
32. Mutsu (むつ)
Although considered a simple ingredient in the past, gnomefish is now known as a high-grade whitefish. The light pink-colored flesh has the perfect amount of fat infused throughout. This tender fish tastes best in the winter, but is not available in many places.
33. Hata (はた)
A rare but highly-regarded fish, groper is only served by a small number of sushi restaurants. It has no odor, and has a tender yet firm texture with a sweet flavor. Best eaten from June to August.
34. Isaki (いさき)
Chicken Grunt
With fat infused throughout its flesh, chicken grunt has a distinctive flavor that is enhanced further when eaten with the vinegared sushi rice. It has a satisfying springiness, and is in-season in the summer months.
35. Mebaru (めばる)
Japanese Rockfish
Japanese rockfish tastes exactly like how you would expect whitefish to taste. The delicate flavor becomes fattier in the winter and spring, which increases the sweetness.
36. Kinki (きんき)
Broadbanded Thornyhead
Once a common fish used in kamaboko (fish paste cake), these days kinki is only found in high-class restaurants. The white meat as well and the gelatinous layer just below the skin melt away, leaving a sweet taste in your mouth. Best time to eat it is October to March.
37. Budai (ぶだい)
Parrotfish has a rather humorous appearance. This fish eats mainly seaweed, making its meat less odorous than most. It has a mild flavor and a gently springiness, and is best eaten in the winter.
38. Fugu (ふぐ)
Known for its highly potent poison, pufferfish is a high-grade fish with a distinctive texture, refreshing flavor, and a delicate aftertaste. There are several types species of fugu eaten in Japan, but the torafugu variety is unusual, as its skin, meat, and milt are not poisonous like the other types of fugu. Best eaten in the winter.
39. Hakkaku (はっかく)
Sailfin Poacher
Sailfin poacher has an elegant flavor that contrasts greatly with its rather grotesque appearance. It is not available everywhere, and is popular for having a good balance of deep flavor and sweetness from the fat.
Fish with Iridescent Skin
40. Kohada (こはだ)
Threadfin Shad
This is a small fish with soft meat that has been used as a sushi topping since the Edo period (1603 - 1868). Because it spoils fast, it is marinated in vinegar and salt while it's still fresh, which means it tastes different in each restaurant. Available all year.
41. Shinko (しんこ)
Threadfin Shad
Threadfin shad is called by different names as it grows, and is called "shinko" is when it measures around 4 - 10cm. Because it is so young, the meat is extremely soft and crumbles away in your mouth. It grows into kohada quite quickly, so shinko is only available for a short period during the year, between July and August.
42. Kisu (きす)
Japanese Sillago
Found in shallow water, Japanese sillago features on menus of high-class restaurants, fetching a high price at the markets as a result. The fresher it is the clearer the flesh. It has a delicate flavor that is not overpowered by the vinegared rice.
43. Shima-aji (しまあじ)
White Trevally
White trevally is found in warm ocean waters, and can get as large as 10kg. The small- to medium-sized white trevally taste better, however, and is in season in the summer. The silver skin and white flesh has a mild flavor.
44. Aji (あじ)
Japanese Horse Mackerel
A very common fish found all over Japan, Japanese Horse Mackerel has a mild flavor and tastes best from May to September. This is a good choice for anyone not used to sushi, as it is often eaten with ginger and other condiments.
45. Iwashi (いわし)
Mostly used as food for large fish such as tuna and swordfish, fresh sardine for human consumption used to be available only at its production areas. It is widely available now, and tastes best as the rainy season begins when it gains extra fat under its skin. It has a rich flavor that is not overpowering.
46. Shimesaba (しめさば)
Mackerel is known to lose its freshness rapidly, so it was always cooked or marinated in vinegar in the past. You can find fresh mackerel these days, but it is more often marinated in vinegar, as it enhances its sweetness and umami, and improves the texture. It is best eaten from September to January.
48. Namasaba (生さば)
Chub Mackerel
Thanks to recent developments in fishery and fish farming, you can now enjoy fresh mackerel all over the country. The farmed fish in particular has a rich flavor. Tastes best in the fall and winter.
48. Sanma (さんま)
Pacific Saury
A fish that represents autumn in Japan, Pacific saury becomes fatty in the fall. The excess fat gives it a texture that melts in your mouth. It has a bit of a fishy odor, but it is usually eaten with ginger and other condiments which bring out its umami. If you really like fish, this is the sushi for you.
49. Nishin (にしん)
Pacific Herring
Cultivated in Hokkaido, Pacific herring is not widely available as a sushi topping outside of the prefecture. It has a more refreshing flavor compared to other fish with iridescent skin, which tend to have quite a rich, fishy flavor. Often marinated in vinegar, it is in season from November to April.
50. Sawara (さわら)
Japanese Spanish Mackerel
Japanese Spanish mackerel is called by different names depending on how big it is, and sawara refers to fish measuring more than 70cm. It has a mild flavor and a tender texture, making it as popular as tuna in some places. It can be quite pricey, and is best eaten from December to April.
51. Sayori (さより)
Halfbeak has a peculiar appearance, with an excessive underbite (if fish can have underbites!). There is a strong umami and a pleasant bitterness to its meat, and it is recommended that you don't dip it in soy sauce so that you can fully enjoy its flavors. Best season for it is spring.
52. Tachi-uo (たちうお)
Largehead Hairtail
The bigger the largehead hairtail, the fattier it is, giving it a sweetness that goes great with the vinegared rice. It has a delicate aftertaste, too. Available all year.
53. Hata-hata (はたはた)
Sailfin Sandfish
Sailfin sandfish has been used as a sushi topping for a long time. It is usually marinated in vinegar beforehand, and has an elegant and light flavor with a sweet aftertaste. Tastes best from winter to spring.
54. Hiramasa (ひらまさ)
Yellowtail Amberjack
Found in warm seas, Yellowtail amberjack is a summer fish that is considered to be a high-grade ingredient. It is fragrant, and has an umami that is highly addictive.
55. Tobi-uo (とびうお)
Flying Fish
A reasonably priced fish that is widely available. It can be served fresh, seared or marinated in vinegar. The flavor varies from mild to strong fishy taste. It is in-season in the summer.
Shrimp and Crab
56. Botan-ebi (ぼたんえび)
Corn-stripe Shrimp
This is quite a large kind of shrimp with a rich sweetness and springy texture. Sometimes served with the head still attached, it is best eaten in the winter.
57. Kuruma-ebi (くるまえび)
Kuruma Prawn
This shrimp is found in the seas all over Japan. Because they are farmed all around the country, kuruma prawn comes with a reasonable price tag. It is usually boiled before being used for sushi, enhancing its sweetness and aroma. A good choice if you're trying sushi with shrimp for the first time. Tastes best from May to November.
58. Ama-ebi (あまえび)
Pink Shrimp
A deep-sea shrimp that is a common sushi topping. It has a sweet flavor, and tastes best in the winter. If you feel okay about eating raw shrimps, this is a nice option.
59. Sakura-ebi (さくらえび)
Sakura Shrimp
Sakura shrimp can be served fresh or fried, and the nigiri is usually wrapped in nori. It is often served with ginger and wasabi to enhance its flavor. It has a sweet taste and a tender texture. Its seasons are from April to June and October to December.
60. Taraba-gani (たらばがに)
Red King Crab
This is a large type of crab, measuring 1m in width when it spreads its legs. It has a stronger taste and sweetness than other species of crabs, and has a firm texture. Fresh red king crab is a high-grade sushi topping. Best eaten in November and December.
61. Zuwai-gani (ずわいがに)
Queen Crab
Found in cold waters, the queen crab that you see in Japan is often imported. You can usually get it for a reasonable price. It has a smooth texture, and its sweetness is a perfect match for the vinegared rice. Best eaten in the winter.
62. Shako (しゃこ)
Edible mantis shrimp
There are many people who are put off by the appearance of edible mantis shrimp, but when prepared well, it is an exquisite sushi topping. Boiled before serving, the shrimp has a distinctive, dense texture. The best time to try it is June to November.
Squid and Octopus
63. Kensaki-ika (けんさきいか)
Swordtip Squid
Available all year, swordtip squid has a delicious sweetness and a pleasant texture that go well with the vinegared rice.
64. Mongo-ika (もんごういか)
Ocellated Cuttlefish
This is a large cuttlefish that is considered a high-grade ingredient in the Kansai region, but relatively unknown in Kanto. With a rich sweetness, it is quite a popular sushi topping. Best season is from October to April.
65. Aori-ika (あおりいか)
Bigfin Reef Squid
A large type of squid that is said to be a top-class squid topping for sushi. It has an attractive semi-transparent flesh, a firm texture, and sweetness typical of squid. It is available all year.
66. Surume-ika (するめいか)
Japanese Flying Squid
Available all year, you could say that it has the most squid-like appearance of all squids. It is usually sliced thinly as it has a chewy texture, and the incisions, as seen above, makes it easier to eat.
67. Hotaru-ika (ほたるいか)
Firefly Squid
Firefly squid glows when threatened. When using as a sushi topping, it is parboiled and the nigiri is wrapped in seaweed. It has a slight odor, which is eliminated by the ginger that is served alongside it. The texture is soft. Best eaten from March to June.
68. Tako (たこ)
Octopus is usually boiled at its production site, so you don't usually find fresh octopus at sushi restaurants. Domestic octopus has a strong, distinctive aroma, and a mild sweetness. It is quite springy in texture. Available throughout the year.
69. Mizu-dako (みずだこ)
North Pacific Giant Octopus
This is the biggest type of octopus in the world, and can measure up to 3m in length. Unlike the previous octopus, North Pacific giant octopus is often served fresh. It has a soft texture and a sweetness that increases with each bite. It is in season from November to April.
70. Awabi (あわび)
There are less and less abalone fished every year, making it increasingly more of a high-grade ingredient. With an aroma of the sea, it has a rich sweetness and a firm texture unique to abalone. Best time to eat it is in the summer.
71. Aka-gai (あかがい)
Bloody Clam
The top shellfish sushi topping, bloody clam has been popular since a long time ago. It has become a high-grade ingredient in recent years. It has a distinctive ocean-like fragrance and a slightly metallic flavor, which is due to it having hemoglobin in its blood. Best eaten in the colder months.
72. Aoyagi (あおやぎ)
Surf Clam
Dubbed "idiot clam", surf clam is found all over Japan. As you take a bite, you will taste a sweetness first, followed by a bitter aftertaste. Best season is from December to May.
73. Hamaguri (はまぐり)
Common Shield-clam
Common shield-clam is usually boiled and served coated in a sauce. It has a dense and springy texture that is also soft. The sauce differs from shop to shop. It is at its best from March to May.
74. Tori-gai (とりがい)
Japanese Cockle
Delicious both raw and cooked, Japanese cockle served in Japan is largely imported from China and Korea. The sweetness of the shellfish is enhanced when it is cooked. Try it at its best from April to June.
75. Hokki-gai (ほっきがい)
Sakhalin Surf Clam
Reaching its peak in winter, Sakhalin surf clam has a smooth texture and a sweet flavor, with an aroma of the ocean. It can be served raw or cooked.
76. Hotate (ほたて)
Japanese Scallop
Because it is widely farmed these days, scallop is available throughout the year at a reasonable price. It is usually served raw, and has a pleasing soft texture and a delicate sweetness. Because of its mild taste and soft texture, it is a good option for trying shellfish sushi for the first time.
77. Taira-gai (たいらがい)
Pen Shell
This is a large shellfish that can grow as big as 30cm. Although it looks like scallop, in addition to its sweetness it has an ocean-like aroma and a bitterness, and a texture that could be said is better than scallop. It is a very rare sushi topping that tastes best in the winter.
78. Tsubu-gai (つぶがい)
Popular in the Hokkaido and Tohoku regions, whelk has a crunchy texture and a slight sweetness. It is in season from December to May.
79. Kaki (かき)
The oysters you see in restaurants are mostly farmed. It is usually served raw at sushi restaurants, accompanied by condiments to bring out its unique flavor. It tastes best in the colder months.
80. Bai-gai (ばいがい)
Finely Striate Buccinum
This shellfish is found deep in the ocean. It is soft in texture, and its sweetness and aroma of the sea go well with the vinegared rice. It is in season in the winter.
81. Honmiru-gai (本みるがい)
Trough Shell
A large shellfish, trough shell was a common sushi topping in the past. Some people find its strong flavors overpowering, while others love it. It has a firm texture distinct to shellfish. Best time to try it is from December to May.
Fish Roe
82. Ikura (いくら)
Salmon Roe
With a sticky texture, some people might find the appearance of salmon roe a little off-putting, but it has a delicious sweet flavor. Salmon roe is usually marinated in salt or soy sauce before being used as a sushi topping. It is usually served wrapped in seaweed as seen above. Best eaten in the autumn.
83. Bafun Uni (ばふんうに)
Japanese Green Sea Urchin
This species of sea urchin lives in cold seas and feeds on kelp. Good quality sea urchin is characterized by a sturdy appearance and texture that melts in your mouth as you take a bite. You can get a whiff of the ocean from it, and it may not be to everyone's taste, but you should try it at least once. Best time to eat it is from March to August.
84. Kita Murasaki Uni (きたむらさきうに)
Northern Sea Urchin
This type of sea urchin has a larger shell and longer spikes. With a meltier texture and refreshing taste, it is quite expensive. It is said to be easier to eat than other kinds of sea urchins, so it's perfect if you are trying sea urchin for the first time. Tastes best in the summer.
85. Tarako (たらこ)
Cod Roe
Because it goes amazingly well with rice, cod roe has been gaining popularity in recent years as a sushi topping. It is marinated in salt, and is a good option for someone trying fish roe for the first time, as the texture is relatively smooth. Available all year.
86. Kazu no Ko (かずのこ)
Herring Roe
With a crunchy texture and umami that goes great with vinegared rice, herring roe tastes best in the spring.
87. Tobiko (とびこ)
Flying Fish Roe
The tiny eggs burst and release a rush of salty flavor as you bite into them. If you're comfortable with the idea of eating fish roe, the sensation is quite satisfying. Available all year.
88. Komochi Kombu (子持ち昆布)
Herring Roe on Kelp
Herrings tend to lay their eggs on kelp, and this is kelp cultivated with the eggs still attached. The sushi combines the deep flavor of the kelp and the crunchy texture of the herring roe. Try it in the spring.
89. Shishamokko (ししゃもっこ)
Capelin Roe
With a similar texture to flying fish roe, capelin roe is marinated in either salt or soy sauce. Best time to try it is from October to December.
90. Shirako (白子)
This is one for the adventurous. Seminal fluid of cod is usually the milt of choice at sushi restaurants. It is popular for its smooth texture. It is at its best in the winter.
Other Toppings
91. Anago (あなご)
Common Japanese Conger
A common high-grade sushi topping since the Edo period, Japanese conger is usually cooked - simmered or grilled - before serving, so it tastes different depending on the restaurant. It has a soft fluffy texture, and is topped with a sauce or salt, making it an easy option if you're trying sushi for the first time. It tastes best in the summer.
92. Hamo (はも)
Dagger-tooth Pike Conger
Related to eel, dagger-tooth pike conger has many small bones, which are removed carefully by the skilled sushi chef. It is usually parboiled and served with various condiments, and has a delicate flavor. Available for a short period during the year, from July to August.
93. Shira-uo (しらうお)
Not a common sushi topping, icefish is small fish measuring around 10cm in length. It has a bit of a bitter taste, so it is often served with ginger and other condiments. It has a soft and smooth texture. Best time to eat it is November to March.
94. Nama Shirasu (なましらす)
Shirasu is a collective name for the fry (young) of several types of white fish. Because it spoils rapidly once caught, it is recommended that you try whitebait where they are fished. It has a distinct texture, and typically served with ginger to counteract the slight bitterness. Available most of the year, except January to February.
95. Tamagoyaki (玉子焼き)
Rolled Omelet
Even if you're not comfortable eating sushi yet, you can definitely try this one. It can be found in all sushi restaurants, and it is said that you can tell how skilled the chef is by their rolled omelet. It tastes quite sweet, and has a smooth texture.
96. Salmon (サーモン)
One of the most common sushi toppings abroad, salmon is available at sushi-go-round restaurants in Japan, but not in traditional establishments. It has been gaining popularity due to its low price. Available all year.
Sushi Rolls
97. Kanpyo-maki (かんぴょう巻き)
Gourd Sushi Roll
As it doesn't contain fish, this is a good option for people trying sushi for the first time. It is dried gourd rolled in rice and wrapped in seaweed. The gourd has a crunchy texture and a slightly sweet flavor.
98. Kappa-maki (かっぱ巻き)
This is a simple cucumber sushi roll and is a very common sushi in Japan. Also ideal for people who are not used to eating sushi.
99. California-maki (カリフォルニア巻き)
California Roll
Originating in USA, California roll came into existence as an alternative sushi that doesn't contain any raw fish. It consists of crab sticks, avocado, mayonnaise, and other ingredients wrapped in rice. A big difference from Japanese sushi rolls is that the seaweed is on the inside. You can find California roll at some sushi-go-round restaurants, but it's not a common type of sushi in Japan.
100. Toro Taku (トロタク)
Fatty tuna and takuan sushi roll
This is the fatty part of tuna that has been scraped off the bone, mixed with takuan (pickled radish), rolled in rice, and wrapped in seaweed. The crunchy texture and refreshing flavor of the takuan goes great with the rich flavor of the tuna.
Still not convinced by sushi? Don't worry, there are so many more things to eat in Japan besides sushi!
As you can see, sushi in Japan is different from what you get in other countries, with a much wider selection of fish to choose from. Bring this list with you and try as many different kinds of fish as you can!
The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.