Top 5 Japanese Convenience Store Sandwiches with Supreme Flavor and Ingredients

Here are some sandwiches from Japan’s 3 major convenience stores, 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, and Lawson, from classic Japanese sandwiches to sandwiches using slightly unique ingredients, and even one that feels like you’re eating dessert. Lets get right into it and check out these sandwiches that are popular at the moment.

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1. Whole-wheat BLT Sandwich (Lawson)

First off, my top preference is something with whole-wheat bread. While it’s true that whole-wheat flour is still a type of flour, it has a higher nutritional value due to being rich in dietary fiber and iron when compared with regular white flour. So this ingredient is a real ally for those that care about their health. This sandwich is a complete meal, with the simple ingredients bacon, tomato, lettuce, and egg, and topped off with ceasar dressing and sandwiched between slices of nutritious whole-wheat bread. The bacon used is dry-aged (an aging process in which foods are stored and processed at just above freezing temperature, resulting in an intensified umami flavor).

Price: 368 JPY (incl. tax)

2. Ham Katsu Sandwich (FamilyMart)

This is a bold sandwich containing ham katsu (coated and fried ham), a dish often seen at Japanese diners and izakaya bars. It also contains shredded cabbage which is an excellent match for ham katsu, and egg salad. The secret to the success of this ham katsu sandwich, which has gained popularity as a staple sandwich at FamilyMart, is really the mayo. And now, the sandwich is packed with even more mayo flavor than before. Be sure to try this evolution of the ham katsu.

Price: 268 JPY (incl. tax)

3. Tonkatsu Sandwich (7-Eleven)

A lot of you are probably surprised by how thick this tonkatsu (Japanese pork cutlet) is. This is a luxurious sandwich in which you can try one of Japan’s most iconic meat dishes. After one bite you will be surprised again by the tenderness of the pork. To go with this tender tonkatsu, the bread is soft and just melts in your mouth. The addition of shredded cabbage to this sandwich contrasts nicely with the other textures at play. That’s already enough deliciousness, but if you can, definitely try warming it up before eating! This will improve the tenderness and umami flavor even more!

Price: 367 JPY (incl. tax)

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4. Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich (7-Eleven)

This sandwich is based on a flavor that Japanese people love - teriyaki (a sweet soy-based sauce). Teriyaki has become of Japan’s most iconic flavors, to the point where the word is firmly cemented in the vocabularies of other languages. This 7-Eleven sandwich combines egg and juicy chicken thigh coated in teriyaki sauce. This is already a classic sandwich that anyone would love.

Price: 267 JPY (incl. tax)

5. Blueberry Cheesecake Sandwich (FamilyMart)

Slightly acidic cheesecake cream and perfectly sweet blueberries are placed between two slices of bread to form this dessert-like sandwich. When you first bite into it, the refined sweetness of the blueberries fills your mouth, then the acidity of the cheesecake is added, creating a perfectly harmonized sweetness. This goes great with the soft bread, and makes for a simple dessert. Why not have one of these after a meal?

Price: 238 JPY (incl. tax)

Did you like the sound of these sandwiches? They’re easy to eat and full of ingredients, making them a really reasonable meal! Get your hands on one to try for yourself!

The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.

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