You Can Purchase the NIVEA Products Shown in TripAdvisor at the Stores Below!

Copy and Paste the Japanese Store Name into Google Maps to Find the Nearest Store to You

ドン・キホーテ (Don Quijote)

An extremely popular discount store in Japan. Carries a wide variety of items, from cosmetics to food and drinks.

マツモトキヨシ (Matsumoto Kiyoshi)

A giant drugstore chain in Japan. Many of their shops are tax free, and they have a diverse range of goods on sale.

ドラッグイレブン (Drug Eleven)

A drugstore chain that's primarily based in Kyushu.

イオン (AEON)

A shopping center whose stores can be found all over Japan. Stocks everything from food and drinks to medicine.

ドラッグコスモス (Cosmos)

A discount pharmacy chain that mainly operates in Kyushu.

* The NIVEA products may not be available in some stores.

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